Category Archives: Late Spring

Happy Mother’s Day!

I had such grandiose plans today, but AGAIN the weather would not cooperate!! Instead, the
Little Peeps made a gift for their moms. I bought some small clay pots and parsley plants. With painting shirts on, the kids sat at their tables, and with paint brushes in hand, created “usable art “.  For me, I find great joy watching the children make decisions as to where, how and why…they turned out terrific!!!
We created “ants on a log” for snacks using celery, soft cheese and raisins for 🐜’s.

To ALL YOU MOTHERS OUT THERE…Thank you for your tireless devotion to your family….

Learning how to press flowers

060316We collected leaves and some buttercups to learn how to press them. We placed them on paper and they were held together between cardboard. The many layers were then fastened securely together.  In one week we will check to see if the plants have dried. We will then place a bit of glue to the leaf and attach it to a card. We love learning new stuff.  And to top it all off, we had a GREAT snack .

Splish! Splash!

052716What a beautiful day it was! PERFECT for a dip in the fountain. On our way, we stopped and picked dandelions. A lot of laughing and splashing went on. Everyone had fun!!

Building “Scary-Crow” and More Garden Prep

Grampa Eddie secured the stakes. Thank you, Grampa! The next step is to secure the mesh fencing onto the wooden stakes with staples. I will be able to use it for growing vegetables that need support. Then, all done!


I planted potatoes and will plant cucumbers too. Inside the framework I have made, nature will be able to produce a piece of living art.

I will make a bamboo gate, signage, and sunflowers.


The children worked diligently gathering hay to stuff our “scary-crow”. They planted pumpkin seeds, watered plants, dug in the dirt and enjoyed a veggie dip. I read two books and left them ready for their naps!

Thank you, June, for painting such a great face on “Scary-Crow”!

For the Love of Asparagus

IMG_0543Today we covered the bare ground with salt marsh hay. It smothers weeds and tracks less mud and dirt into the building. Peas, radishes and Swiss chard have sprouted. I cut 1 stalk of asparagus, broke off the woody end, and sliced the softer part for the kids to sample. Guess what! They ate my whole tiny asparagus patch! I think a family of bunnies would have left me at least one stalk. I LOVE IT!

Step by Step: How to Put in a Vegetable Garden

Yesterday morning, I built a fence around our vegetable garden. I put in a couple of rows of asparagus and one row of rhubarb last weekend. I just can’t wait. Therefore, the BIG toto-tiller could not be used. This forced me to use a small hand roto-tiller and I did the whole garden.

Step by Step: How to Put in a Vegetable Garden

      DAY 1

    • Find a sunny spot which you know can be reached with a hose.
    • Have it tilled first. Guess what! I did NOT do this due to my impatience. I planted asparagus and rhubarb. I then had to till the rest of the garden with a small hand tiller. But actually, I enjoyed it as I then “own” the space.


    • I purchased 4′ tall stakes and used string and a stake to mark out pretty straight lines. I then hammered the stakes in approximately 4′ apart. The stakes then measure 3′ up from the soil. Why so short you ask? This is a garden for children to enjoy as well as critters, too. I also put up some bamboo teepees and tied them with purple plastic gloves. Only thing I could find.

  • My next step will be to spread salt marsh hay between the rows.
    I will keep you updated and PLEASE get those thumbs GREEN!

TIP: The BEST time to work in the garden is early morning. Start around 7:00 as the light is beautiful, the air fresh, and the sun not so hot.
