I LOVE it when “The Little Peeps” ask me questions.
It lets me know they are so very excited about learning.
Today, the subject is:
1.How do birds know when
to migrate?
2.How do migrating birds
find their way?
3.How do birds fly?
With help from books I brought in, we sat ourselves down in the back of the room and EVERYONE had
Something to add to the
Question & Answer Session. (In hindsight, I should have videoed the whole thing as it was priceless!)
From there, we headed to our assigned seats. A sheet of white paper was placed in front of each child on which they drew two circles; one for the bird’s body and a smaller circle denoting it’s head. ( A LOT of Elmer’s Glue filled in the circles.) On the center of the table, were bits of soft colorful fibers and feathers, all to be placed into the glue ANYWAY YOU CHOOSE!! It truly is amazing to watch the children make decisions as each time it empowers them with confidence!!!!!
An eye was added along with pipe cleaners for legs & a bill.
A new species of bird has been discovered at NEB by “The Little Peeps” who have named it THE TEAL BIRD.
“Children are our most valuable natural resource”
…….Herbert Hoover……